Thursday, September 25, 2008

Who Knew?

"Who knew" has become a trendy phrase. Used it lately? Who knew? In this case, I have the answer: God did!! This is a personal who knew/God did blog. Shameless self-promotion, but it's soooo Him not me that I want to share.

If you've known me long, you know I'm an avid fiction reader. My mother said I was born with a book in my hand. (ouch!) In the late nineties, I learned about Christian fiction and began to primarily read those books, which several of us swapped about. (Kudos to Lee for buying many of them, btw.) In 2002, Cheryl Williford asked me why I didn't write since I read so much. And I thought, I wonder why? I learned of a Christian writers' group and joined. My journey began. You know where this is going. My first book, Dog Gone, releases at the end of the month. (If you choose to know more details, e-mail me.)

But this story isn't so much about my book. It's about the desires of my heart. Books=Eileen. Check. Writing=Eileen? Who knew? GOD did! He knew how tickled I'd be when He dropped me in the center of the publishing industry to learn at the feet of amazing writers. He knew what a charge I'd get from seeing my first publication: four prayers in a Barbour Prayers for the Military. He knew the frustrations I'd feel from rejection letters and the drive that imparted to learn and polish my craft more. He knew the Internet would be invented just for moi to touch base with other writers in remote places. (Kansas?) HE knew!

Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Eileen didn't even know that was her heart's desire. Who knew? GOD did!

And yeah, shamelessly I show off my first novel.


Kim Vogel Sawyer said...

And shamelessly I crow, "Woohoo for you!" I'm so glad God knew our paths would cross. Betcha He grinned when He put us together in friendship. *smile*

Love ya, lady!

Unknown said...

Woo-hoo. . .and I knew!

Rachel said...

YEA MOM!!! Way to go!!

Jo Ann said...

We all knew - but it was in His timing that we believed! You are fabulous and I'm excited about reading the book and sharing it with my bookclub - BTW - you are planning on making an appearance when we discuss this book, right???
Jo Ann

Cynthia Ruchti said..., precious friend! Keep writing. The world needs your brand of wit and wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Your success gives me hope and praise for our Father who alone knows our deepest heart. I can't wait to have a great read! You are so loved and cherished.

Rose McCauley said...

Psalm 37:4 is one of my favorite verses, too, Eileen. I love the cover and your pic, too. So glad God let our paths cross thru ACFW.

Susan said...

I'm thrilled, Eileen, to have been able to play a part in the birthing of DOG GONE! You're a blessing to me and the rest of the HPM team. Enjoy the thrill of publication as long as you can for soon there will be other deadlines to meet and more WORK accompanying them.

Anonymous said...

And I believe He knew that some struggling writers needed YOU. Thanks for your encouragement, your wit and ready smile, and the love that flows seamlessly from your heart to ours.

'Til the nets are full,
Nancy Jo Jenkins

Staci said...

i am soo happy for you!!! thank you for being so wonderful to me all these years, you are truly an inspiration to me. Love you

mkwise said...

Eileen, we are so very happy for you and knew you could do it!!!! With your faith and belief, Gods wisdom and knowledge has blessed you... love you, Melody

mkwise said...

Eileen, we are so very proud and excited for you. Your Faith and Belief is such a great witness to us all. Gods wisdom and knowledge has blessed you.... Congrat's, Melody