Monday, September 15, 2008

A Mighty Force

Caron said: This is from my cousin Louise near Longview.... where they had hurricane force winds. We lost five trees, but none in the yard or on the house, thanks to our Awesome God, right? As many as we have around here, He was the only one who could have protected us in all that wind and with the ground already saturated. As I spoke with Mom this morning, she said, "Look at the tiny stem of the Spider Lily. God protected them as a sign to us of His power and care for the smallest details :)"
"In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be put to confusion." Psalm 71:1

Eileen here: Caron and Lee's house at Surfside still stands, though the town lies forty miles down the coast from Galveston! How blessed we are this day to serve a Mighty King. Thankful that though many we love are without power as I write, they still have their lives. It's easy for me to say "things" can be replaced, but it's true.

Read the inscription on the inside wall of the beach house. We do have God as our Anchor when we make the choice to hang on! Despite the wind, despite the rain, despite the tree branches, long lines, no gasoline, heat--despite it all, we HAVE it all when we have Jesus!

A Mighty Force. Unfathomed.

Truly One to be worshipped.

Amazing Grace.


Jo Ann said...

I love to see God's hand all around us - protecting us from the mightly winds of life! He is truly an awesome God!
Jo Ann

Staci said... all i can say!!