Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Paws Alert

Lately several friends have indicated how my life could be enriched: add a pet! Since I don't enjoy gerbils or fish, and cats don't necessarily come when called, they concluded a dog would fit the bill. I laughed.

I laughed and waved a, hand...and said, "If God wants me to have a dog, he'll have to bring me one--and specifically one that does not shed!" Like such an animal exists. ha!

Silly me. Wouldn't you think by now I'd know God has a sense of humor?

I visited my sister, Trish, in Houston the first weekend of August, with plans to drive home on Saturday. I had such a delightful time with her kiddos, I decided to stay over and go to church. From the pulpit, the pastor's wife, Jana, announced that for the very first time ever the Houston Humane Society was holding a pet fair in the parking lot after church, just a sashay from my car door. There were four pets on display. A volunteer held the leash of a 4yo Maltese-poodle mix...who grinned at me. (I'm sure she did.) I discovered she was totally housebroken and very friendly. Do you know poodles don't shed?

So meet Lindy: named after Lindale Assembly of God Church. And my Father in Heaven is chuckling!

Genesis l:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

p.s. This morning my pastor exhorted us to pray/walk in our neighborhood. I've lived here 3 yrs and only since I've had Lindy have I taken a walk. Guess she's a prayer partner, too!

5 comments: said...

Yes, our God DOES have a sense of humor!!! Lindy looks like a very house-friendly little gal and bet she provides you with lots of love and good company! Arf, arf!

Kim Vogel Sawyer said...

Too too cute. :o)

Unknown said...

I"m so happy. . .for BOTH of you. You will be terrific companions. By the way, Sasha and Copper say, "Hi!" to Lindy!

Carol Ann Clower Wise said...

God uses animals in so many ways........with dogs, an example of unconditional love and loyalty that is unsurpassed. I am happy for you and know that you will be blessed as well.
Carol Wise

Unknown said...

Lindy is precious!!! I want to meet her. God is so good and faithful to our needs.