Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dust of the Rabbi

In our church service, pastor Mike Hooper's sermon discussed reckless abandonment--being sold out to Jesus. He used the phrase "dust of the rabbi's feet" and it resounded within me. I don't have Mike's excellent explanation but a Google search produced this:“Follow the rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of his feet." Disciples followed so closely that they would actually become covered with the dust kicked up by the rabbi’s feet.

We, too, may become dust-covered disciples by following in Jesus' footsteps. We won't always get it right, but He's given us the opportunity for such a close relationship. Wow! We serve an awesome God.

Psalm 95:7-- Oh, that you would hear Him calling you today and come to Him!


Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC post, Eileen. Makes me want to bend down and grovel at the Master's feet.
Nancy Jo

Cynthia Ruchti said...

Oh, to travel so close to and so in step with Him that people would mistake me for His shadow!

Rachel said...

Wow, that is powerful. I don't think I have ever heard about it.