Monday, May 19, 2008

Angels Watchin' Over Me

Sleeps through a tornado, dead to the world, out for the count: all terms which describe Richard's nightly sleeping habits. Once his head hit the pillow, he was asleep. Sherrie could shake him, the kids could romp on him, the dog lick his face: z-z-z-z-z.

So after a day at the beach, he hit the hay. The kids were slumbering away in their comfy beach house bedroom across the hall from Richard and Sherrie. Because of her pneumonia, Sherrie had taken medication that had her in la-la land. Peace and quiet reigned.

Suddenly at 3:10 a.m. Richard was wide awake. His feet hit the floor and he scrambled to the living room. The front door stood open. A wailing noise caught his attention and he rushed down the stairs.

There stood a crying three-year-old Bethany, beside their car, next to the road, about twenty yards from the ocean. She'd been disoriented when she woke in the night and couldn't find her mommy and daddy. Richard scooped her up and carried her to safety.

We think an angel's tap on the shoulder raised a snoozing daddy and alerted him to danger. We know God was watching!

Psalm 91:11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. NKJV


Anonymous said...

What a comfort to know God's always watching out for (or over)
I'm sure it's true because sometimes I look back on things I've done, especially when I'm really busy & thought, "Boy, that was dumb...only God could've saved
me from a totally different outcome!"

Rachel said...

That's a cool story. God is good to us.

Anonymous said...

Keep it coming! I find these stories very inspirational. Just a tidbit here and there keeps me balanced. Like church, miss a Sunday and you feel like you've played hooky!
