Thursday, March 12, 2009

God's Amazing Connections

I love a good story, especially love a good story about Jesus and His working in and through His people. A young couple has become part of our story. It’s a most unlikely combination. They are the ages of our grandchildren, but what a great joy they are to us.

Pastor Mike and Antoinette have come to be pastors of Grace San Antonio and are rocking this part of the world with their amazing love for people and the mission of “doing church” God’s way. In the several weeks they have been here, God has “shown up”!

A series of sermons was announced by Pastor Mike on the Miracles of God. Eager to hear and experience the power of God, I was reminded of a book I read 5 or 6 years ago that reported a powerful moving of the Lord in Redding, California. The book is called When Heaven Invades Earth. Thinking Pastor might like to read it because it had rocked my world, I began describing the book to him. When I mentioned the author, Bill Johnson, there was a glimmer of recognition in Mike's eyes. Continuing, I told him that the most amazing part of the accounts of God’s miracles in Redding was how the Youth were captured by the Lord and went out to malls and other places – not necessarily churchy places, and the Lord healed many and used them in powerful ways.

At this, my pastor could be quiet no longer. “I was one of those young people! I was there my senior year of high school and my sister went to the Bethel school.”

Well, as my Spirit did back flips, I realized that it is better to be part of the story than just read along, no matter how exciting the reading is. That the Lord would send into our lives this young, full of the Lord pastor is an awesome gift.

To quote Paul Harvey, “the rest of the story” is still being written… and we get to be part of it!!

The last verse of the Book of John says: Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25